Sunday, January 24, 2010

Weekly News

This week in Math the students will first begin by reviewing story problems dealing with fractions. Last week, we started reviewing key words, looking at labels, etc. and it is my hope that after a bit more review, students will feel more comfortable with deciding on an operation and correctly solving the story problem. After a story problem review, we will work on "Solve for the unknown" which is an algebra topic. Students will learn the basics of solving for a variable and will apply it to fractions. On Friday, we will be reviewing all the concepts we have covered in our Fraction unit and our Fraction Unit Test will take place next Monday, February 1st. Also, as a reminder to students, any tic-tac-toe activities not finished in class as of Friday will be due on Monday, February 1st.

In Science we will near the end of our unit of Erosion and Deposition by finishing up our studies of hills, cliffs, and marshes. Students will review the pros and cons of building on each of the landforms and complete a project where they write a report for the City Council of Boomtown discussing why they want to build on the landform of their choice. As a look ahead, students will be completing an Erosion and Deposition Unit Review and Exam next week, so it would be a good idea to start reviewing main ideas we have covered thus far.

In Advisory I will do another check-in on Monday to see that students have the following three things:
  • A map of their country with the major cities listed
  • A flag of their country, along with the meaning behind the colors and symbols used
  • Their 10 words/5 phrases from last week, typed up to put in their binder.
This week, it is expected that the students work on the following three things for me to check next Monday:
  • Holidays (2 major holidays celebrated in the country, along with interesting traditions/explanations of each holiday)
  • History (3 important historical events within the country, along with interesting information regarding each event)
  • Government -- we will discuss in class on Monday what requirements for government are expected.
As a reminder, I am selling page protectors for $.10 each. It would be a good idea for students to protect their work so it doesn't get wrinkled and necessitate a reprint on the information. It might also be necessary to start looking for a binder to hold the page protectors in, since we are nearing the end of our project.

If you have any questions, please contact me. I'm looking forward to another great week!


  1. Mrs. perez are we going to do anything to help haiti and i am looking forward to school tomorrow but not so much p.e see you tomorrow.

  2. Ananda -- we are collecting money for the Red Cross to send to Haiti. Money will be collected during this week and will be taken to the Red Cross later this week or early next week. Any money donated would be GREATLY appreciated!

  3. Ok Mrs.Perez I will see if I can donate.

  4. mrs. perez i am going to donate money to haiti.

  5. mrs.perez i found the book!! Dear dumd diary my pants are hunted

  6. hey mrs perez can icome in a little early so i can the poster say around 7:45

  7. Cameron -- that is fine. I will be there then for you to finish it.

  8. HI Mrs.Perez. I finished our poster and it looks awsome if I don't say so my self.
