Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday Math

Most of you know that I do not like to give quizzes or tests on Monday, but sometimes it is hard to avoid. Because of Friday's snow storm, with many absences, we had a quiz today on multiplying fractions. Congratulations to the following students for receiving an 80% or higher:
  • Richard (86%)
  • Trinity (100%)
  • Bekkah (93%)
As proud as I am of the three above students, I am deeply saddened that more people didn't receive over 80% on such an easy quiz. Hopefully the next one will be easier! =)


  1. mrs.perez can you tell me my grade only if it's 70% and up

  2. GO MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! I am really proud of myself.

  3. i will ace the next one and didnt i get a 79% that only 1% OFF

  4. I feel the same way Chrissy.

  5. GO MEEE!!!! i only missed one because i couldnt find a mulitple or factor of 61 :-(....ill Ace the next one though....congrats trinity and richard
