Monday, September 28, 2009

Weekly News

In Math this week, we will be reviewing some topics that students learned (or should have learned) last year in 5th grade to prepare them for the MEAP test that will begin in the middle of October. We will review how to solve multi-step multiplication, long division problems, how to analyze story problems to determine which are multiplication and which are division, and end the week reviewing how to find the area of triangles and quadrilaterals. On Friday, students will have a quiz reviewing all of these skills. This week is also the last week for multiplication timed tests. Students will take a test everyday and once they get over 95% correct, they will no longer have to take the test anymore. If they don't get above 95%, they will take them the entire week and their grade will be the highest score they get during the week. A special prize will be given to the class if the entire class can get over 95%! Good luck!

In Science this week, we will be reviewing soil composition as well as soil layers. A quiz will be on Tuesday regarding this material. Later in the week, students will begin to look at other soil attributes, including what areas of the world have what types of soil. We will again look at the garden problem to try to determine what soil was located in their school garden compared to the garden next door.

In Advisory this week, it is extremely important for the students to bring in materials to work on their learning plan projects. Although 3-6 students get to use the computers each day, it is important for each student to bring something in to work on so they can use their time wisely. Remember that it might be necessary to do some research at home and bring it to school so work can actually be done. Also, some of their advisory work will have to be completed at home as well, so please make sure your child is working on their learning plan goals on the weekend and on weeknights!

Here's to a great week!

1 comment:

  1. Mrs.Perez I understand every word and I am going to bring plenty of work to do in advisory.
    Thank You....
