- NiJaia (80%)
- Christina (90%)
- Nate (80%)
- Trinity (95%)
- Tyre (80%)
- DaShawn (80%)
- Quishon (100%)
- Laura (80%)
- Katie (80%)
- Nick (90%)
- Char (80%)
Monday, December 19, 2011
Algebra Unit 2 Embedded Assessment #1 Results
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Weekly News
In Science we will be completing analysis questions based on our electric motor activity from last week. We will then be taking a day to review sound, light, and electric motor concepts before our test on Wednesday.
This week we will be having a Career Fair on Thursday afternoon, allowing students to meet with and ask questions with adults of different careers. Students are asked to come with questions to ask these adults, especially if they are interested in that career themselves.
Since there were not enough students that paid the $50 deposit for Washington DC, the deadline has been extended until Monday, December 19th. Please bring your money in by then, if you haven't done so already, and would like to attend the trip.
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Weekly News
In Science we are starting another mini-unit. This unit is on Electricity. We will start off by reading about different energy sources on Monday. Later in the week, students will be creating a motor and a generator and noting the differences between the two. We will end the week by reviewing these topics and answering analysis questions.
In Advisory we will spend some time going over homework from last week (last week's homework sheet is due on Tuesday) as well as reviewing ratios and probability.
Don't forget that if you plan on going to Washington DC, the $50 non-refundable deposit is due on Monday.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Super Science Students
- NiJaia (96%)
- Ananda (90%)
- Trinity (93%)
- Tyre (93%)
- DaShawn (87%)
- Marshell (100%)
- Christina (87%)
- Quishon (93%)
- Laura (93%)
- Katie (100%)
- Nicholas (83%)
- Kahleel (87%)
- Char (96%)
- Kavon (80%)
- Kiera (87%)
- Kyle (80%)
- Troy (96%)
- Angelique (96%)
- Patrice (90%)
- D'eja (96%)
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Weekly News
Friday, December 2, 2011
Algebra Unit 1 Rockstars
- Trinity (86%)
- Khaila (82%)
- Tyre (89%)
- Kevin (96%)
- Christina (89%)
- DaShawn (89%)
- Marshell (82%)
- Quishon (96%)
- Treasure (82%)
- Troy (86%)
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Weekly News
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Light Unit Test Results
- DaShawn 95%
- Dominic 100%
- Christina 100%
- Nate 90%
- Caron 81%
- Cameron 86%
- NiJaia 90%
- Ravin 86%
- Trinity 100%
- Khaila 95%
- Kyle 81%
- Quishon 90%
- Char 86%
- Kavon 86%
- Nick 95%
- Treasure 81%
- Patrice 90%
- Angelique 81%
Congrats again! Way to go!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Weekly News
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Science Spectrum Superstars
- Trinity (80%)
- Nicholas (80%)
- Char (80%)
- Troy (80%)
- Christina (80%)
- D'eja (80%)
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Weekly News
Sunday, November 6, 2011
New beginnings!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Science Spectra-superstars
- NiJaia 90%
- Kevin 80%
- Ravin 90%
- Christina 80%
- Caron 80%
- Trinity 100%
- Jerkirean 80%
- DaShawn 100%
- William 90%
- Khaila 80%
- Floyd 90%
- Marshell 80%
- Quishon 80%
- Laura 90%
- Nicholas 90%
- Kahleel 90%
- Kavon 90%
- Troy 80%
- Angelique 90%
- Patrice 90%
Also, feel free to check out engrade for your most up-to-date science grade. We won't have any other graded assignments this week so the grade that is listed on engrade is your grade for this quarter!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Weekly News
Monday, October 24, 2011
Weekly News
- We will be going on a field trip to Greenfield Village on Wednesday. We will be leaving at 10am and returning at 3pm. Students are expected to bring a bag lunch, unless they requested one from the school. Students must be in full uniform.
- On Thursday, from 5-7pm, there will be a Harvest Festival. Parents and students are welcome. Please be sure to return the form indicating that you will be in attendance if you plan to come. Extra forms can be found in the office. Students that attend the Harvest Festival will be given a ticket for free dress on Friday.
- On Friday, there is a school dance in the afternoon. Tickets are on sale during lunch, for $3, but if you wait until the day of the dance, tickets are $5.
- We only have 2 more weeks left this quarter. Please be aware of your grade and feel free to check out engrade whenever you need to, to double check your grades.
Questions? Let me know!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Pythagorean Theorem Rock Stars!
- William (110%)
- Ananda (110%)
- Jerkirean (110%)
- Michael (100%)
- Nate (90%)
- Tyre (90%)
- Kevin (80%)
- NiJaia (100%)
- Caron (100%)
- DaShawn (100%)
- Christina (100%)
- Ravin (90%)
- Cameron (100%)
- Trinity (100%)
- Kavon (90%)
- Kyle (90%)
- Laura (90%)
- Kiera (90%)
- Troy (80%)
- Nick (100%)
- Patrice (80%)
- Treasure (90%)
- Char (90%)
- Quishon (110%)
- Taylor (90%)
- Angelique (90%)
- Christina (90%)
- Marshell (100%)
- D'eja (80%)
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Science Superstars
- Ravin 87%
- Nate 87%
- Caron 95%
- DaShawn 95%
- Ananda 84%
- Khaila 87%
- Cameron 95%
- Christina 97%
- William 97%
- Trinity 97%
- NiJaia 87%
- Kevin 100%
- Laura 95%
- Kavon 89%
- Angelique 92%
- Patrice 89%
- Nick 95%
- Troy 84%
- Marshell 87%
- Christina 82%
- Treasure 97%
- Kyle 89%
Way to go everyone!!!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Weekly News
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Weekly News
Friday, October 7, 2011
Unit 5 Test Results
- NiJaia 80%
- Kevin 88%
- Christina 85%
- Ananda 80%
- Trinity 98%
- Tyre 80%
- DaShawn 98%
- William 85%
- Laura 93%
- Nick 85%
- Char 88%
- Kyle 85%
- Angelique 83%
- Patrice 80%
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Math Quiz #2
- Dominic 90%
- NiJaia 93%
- Kevin 83%
- Christina 87%
- Trinity 87%
- DaShawn 93%
- William 83%
- Quishon 83%
- Laura 97%
- Katie 83%
- Nicholas 87%
- Char 90%
- Kiera 83%
- Kyle 83%
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Weekly News
In Science we are going to start a unit on Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration. Although we have talked about Photosynthesis in the past, this mini-unit will really go in-depth with this topic and how plants make their food.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Science Updates
- NiJaia 88%
- Cameron 86%
- Ravin 83%
- Christina 90%
- Caron 91%
- Ananda 95%
- Trinity 83%
- Tyre 88%
- DaShawn 97%
- William 91%
- Khaila 90%
- Quishon 93%
- Katie 88%
- Nicholas 81%
- Char 81%
- Angelique 90%
- Treasure 87%
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Weekly News
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Awesome Math Scores
- Trinity 86%
- Ananda 90%
- Kevin 93%
- Christina 83%
- DaShawn 93%
- Tyre 93%
- William 86%
- Troy 83%
- Treasure 93%
- Nick 83%
- Angelique 100% (AWESOME!!!)
- Quishon 86%
- Char 86%
- Laura 86%
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Weekly News
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Science questions
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Weekly News
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Welcome back 8th grade leaders!
- Communication Log (just to be filled out -- nothing to review)
- Classroom expectations
- School-wide expectations
Monday, June 13, 2011
I'm bbbaaaaccccckkkk!
- NiJaia 128%
- Cameron 100%
- Christina 128%
- Ananda 100%
- Richard 100%
- Michael 100%
- Nate 128%
- Trinity 128%
- Jerkirean 114%
- DaShawn 128%
- William 100%
- Khaila 142%
- Chandler 114%
- Quishon 100%
- Laura 142%
- Nick 86%
- Char 128%
- Kavon 100%
- Kiera 86%
- Troy 128%
- Angelique 128%
- Patrice 114%
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
The boys are here...
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Moving Straight Ahead Test Results
- Trenton (90%)
- NiJaia (82%)
- Christina (90%)
- Caron (87%)
- Richard (100%)
- Nate (87%)
- Trinity (95%)
- Jerkirean (95%)
- DaShawn (100%)
- William (97%)
- Khaila (100%)
- Deacon (100%)
- Chandler (87%)
- Marshell (93%)
- Quishon (103%)
- Laura (95%)
- Katie (82%)
- Jordan (90%)
- Nick (100%)
- Char (103%)
- Kavon (93%)
- Kyle (85%)
- Troy (98%)
- Patrice (103%)
Please, please, please keep up the great work while I'm gone! I will miss you all, but I will see you soon!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Investigation 4 Quiz Results...
- Chandler (85%)
- Marshell (90%)
- Quishon (95%)
- Laura (95%)
- Katie (85%)
- Jordan (85%)
- Nick (95%)
- Char (95%)
- Kavon (95%)
- Kiera (80%)
- Kyle (85%)
- Angelique (90%)
- Patrice (90%)
- Tyree (85%)
- Trenton (95%)
- NiJaia (95%)
- Cameron (90%)
- Christina (95%)
- Richard (90%)
- Nate (95%)
- Trinity (95%)
- Jerkirean (100%)
- DaShawn (100%)
- William (90%)
- Khaila (95%)
- Deacon (95%)
Awesome work everyone! I look forward to you all doing this well (if not better) on the test next week!
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Weekly News
Friday, March 18, 2011
Investigation 3 Math Quiz
- NiJaia (85%)
- Cameron (85%)
- Christina (100%)
- Caron (85%)
- Ananda (92%)
- Nate (85%)
- Trinity (100%)
- DaShawn (100%)
- William (92%)
- Khaila (100%)
- Deacon (85%)
- Chandler (92%)
- Quishon (92%)
- Laura (92%)
- Katie (85%)
- Nick (92%)
- Char (100%)
- Kavon (85%)
- Troy (100%)
- Angelique (92%)
- Patrice (92%)
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Weekly News
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Science Notebook Quiz scores
- NiJaia (100%)
- DaShawn (92%)
- Christina (100%)
- Richard (100%)
- Jerkirean (85%)
- Trinity (100%)
- Nate (96%)
- Cameron (85%)
- Caron (92%)
- Ananda (92%)
- Khaila (100%)
- Jordan (100%)
- Patrice (85%)
- Quishon (92%)
- Troy (92%)
- Nick (85%)
- Char (100%)
- Kavon (100%)
- Laura (100%)
- Katie (100%)
- Angelique (92%)
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Math Rockstars, yet again! =)
- Trinity (87%)
- Richard (80%)
- William (100%)
- Cameron (87%)
- DaShawn (93%)
- Nate (90%)
- Caron (93%)
- Ananda (100%)
- Christina (93%)
- Khaila (80%)
- Trenton (87%)
- Deacon (80%)
- Jerkirean (87%)
- Marshell (100%)
- Laura (87%)
- Katie (97%)
- Jordan (93%)
- Nick (100%)
- Char (100%)
- Kavon (93%)
- Kyle (87%)
- Troy (87%)
- Angelique (87%)
- Patrice (93%)
- Tyree (80%)
- Quishon (100%)
Awesome job everyone! Keep it up!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Weekly News
In Science we will continue our study of cells. We will address the concepts of cell respiration, functions of the cell membrane, and the general structure of all cells. We will also talk about the relative size of cells and determine how they can function so well when they are so small.
In Advisory we will use our time to have class meetings and address concerns that students have.
Please remember that there is no school for students on Friday due to Teacher Professional Development.
Any questions? Let me know!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Science questions..
- Explain, in detail, the pasteurization process.
- When was soap made/created/used?
- When were outhouses used?
- When did people start to have plumbing in their house to allow for running water and toilets to be used?
- Any other questions that you had? Just comment and tell me the question you had and what the answer is!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Weekly News
Friday, February 18, 2011
Moving Straight Ahead -- literally...
- Trenton 91%
- NiJaia 109%
- Christina 109%
- Caron 82%
- Ananda 91%
- Richard 109%
- Nate 100%
- Trinity 100%
- DaShawn 109%
- William 91%
- Khaila 100%
- Deacon 109%
- Chandler 100%
- Marshell 91%
- Laura 86%
- Katie 100%
- Jordan 100%
- Char 82%
- Kavon 91%
- Troy 100%
- Angelique 91%
- Osaze 91%
- Patrice 82%
- Kiera 82%
Congrats and keep up the great work!!!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Weekly News
- Tuesday - 9:15am - Michael, 1:30pm - William, 2pm - DaShawn, 2:30pm - Richard
- Wednesday - 1pm - Deacon, 1:30pm - Jerkirean, 2pm - Christina, 2:30pm - Trinity
- Thursday - 1pm- Ananda, 1:30pm - Trenton, 2pm - Khaila
- Friday - 1pm - Nate, 1:30pm - NiJaia, 2pm - Caron, 2:30pm - Cameron
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
- DaShawn (113%)
- Christina (108%)
- Trenton (100%)
- Ananda (83%)
- Trinity (110%)
- Deacon (82%)
- William (109%)
- Khaila (102%)
- NiJaia (104%)
- Caron (97%)
- Cameron (94%)
- Richard (108%)
- Nate (92%)
- Floyd (85%)
- Char (105%)
- Laura (91%)
- Troy (106%)
- Angelique (89%)
- Marshell (83%)
- Katie (103%)
- Kyle (100%)
- Jordan (89%)
- Patrice (105%)
- Nick (103%)
- Osaze (95%)
- Kavon (86%)
WOW!!! I am so pleased by these scores. I hope you keep it up!!!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Investigation 4 Quiz Results are in...
- Caron (83%)
- Khaila (96%)
- Trenton (96%)
- Nate (92%)
- Trinity (100%)
- DaShawn (96%)
- Ananda (88%)
- Christina (100%)
- Floyd (88%)
- NiJaia (92%)
- William (83%)
- Richard (100%)
- Kyle (96%)
- Katie (100%)
- Jordan (88%)
- Angelique (92%)
- Troy (96%)
- Osaze (92%)
- Kavon (83%)
- Char (92%)
- Chandler (100%)
- Marshell (92%)
WOW! I LOVE that the list is getting longer with each quiz. Keep it up everyone!
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Weekly News
Friday, February 4, 2011
Chemistry Unit Test results...
- DaShawn (95%)
- Cameron (91%)
- NiJaia (91%)
- Richard (91%)
- Jerkirean (80%)
- Trinity (97%)
- Khaila (82%)
- William (82%)
- Christina (97%)
- Ananda (85%)
- Jordan (91%)
- Angelique (91%)
- Patrice (100%)
- Troy (97%)
- Katie (91%)
- Marshell (94%)
- Chandler (88%)
- Osaze (85%)
- Kyle (82%)
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Another snow day!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Snow day!!!
Monday, January 31, 2011
It's Exhibition Time!
Notes about exhibitions:
- Students are required to have a powerpoint presentation. They should have a slide for EACH project that they have and it should reflect whatever it is they are talking about (bullet points of the information, pictures reflecting their information, etc.). They should not merely have "MATH" as a slide that they are going to show while they read information for it.
- Students may want to have note cards to help them remember information, but they should never have to read directly off the notecards. Remember, they are the "professional" of this career so they should know the information well enough that they can just speak from knowledge about it, using the notecards as a back-up.
- Students are required to have 3 Math projects, 2 ELA projects, 2 Science projects, 2 Social Studies, and 2 Personal Qualities projects.
- Students must show depth of knowledge in each topic. Many students know basic information of their career, but their job is to research information to add to that basic information to make it "new" information. They don't want to bore the class with information that everyone already knows.
- Students have 15-20 minutes to present their exhibition. Any time over or under this timeframe will result in a deduction of points. It is their responsibility to practice their exhibition to make sure they are within this timeframe.
Again, feel free to respond on this blog posting, or send the note in with the date and time you choose. I will then confirm the choice you have suggested so you can know exactly when your child's time is going to be. Feel free to contact me if you have any other questions.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Weekly News
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Investigation 3 Quiz results....
- Jerkirean 100%
- Khaila 109%
- Trenton 100%
- NiJaia 91%
- Michael 82%
- Ananda 100%
- Richard 100%
- Nate 118%
- DaShawn 127%
- Trinity 109%
- Christina 109%
- Char 127%
- Marshell 91%
- Laura 100%
- Osaze 91%
- Chandler 127%
- Patrice 127%
- Angelique 100%
- Kyle 118%
- Troy 118%
Congrats again! Keep it up!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Weekly News
In Science we are going to continue talking about various ways of handling waste. We have already talked about dilution and incineration, so now we will look at "reclaiming metal". Towards the end of the week, we will start reviewing for the Unit Test for next week.
In Advisory students should be done with 4 of their 5 projects. Any students that are not caught up with all their projects will have Wallstreet until they are done with them. Our last check-in is on Friday, February 4th.
Any questions? Let me know...
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Investigation 2 Quiz Results Are In!!!!
- Ananda 86%
- Richard 93%
- DaShawn 100%
- Trinity 100%
- Cameron 86%
- Jerkirean 90%
- William 90%
- Nate 86%
- Troy 86%
- Kyle 100%
- Marshell 93%
- Chandler 93%
- Laura 93%
- Char 100%
- Angelique 100%
- Nicholas 90%
- Osaze 93%
Congrats again and keep up the good work!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Weekly News
Monday, January 10, 2011
Comparing and Scaling Investigation 1 Quiz...
- Cameron (80%)
- Christina (95%)
- Richard (90%)
- Nate (83%)
- Trinity (100%)
- DaShawn (88%)
- Chandler (80%)
- Marshell (90%)
- Adam (83%)
- Laura (88%)
- Katie (90%)
- Char (90%)
- Kavon (80%)
- Kyle (85%)
- Troy (90%)
- Angelique (95%)
- Osaze (80%)
- Patrice (90%)
Well done class! I hope this great work continues as we move into Investigation 2, tomorrow!!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Weekly News
- Cameron (1 more needed for ELA and 2 for personal qualities)
- Damera (Math, ELA, and personal qualities)
- Christina (your third section is still needed)
- Caron (Math, 1 more for personal qualities, and ELA)
- Ananda (your third section is still needed)
- Richard (your third section is still needed)
- Michael (1 more for ELA)
- Nate (1 more for ELA)
- Jerkirean (your third section is still needed)
- Deacon (1 more for ELA)