Sunday, March 13, 2011

Weekly News

This week in Math we will continue our use of pouches and coins to understand the idea of solving equations. We will move from the visual idea of how to do it, to the more symbolic way of doing it with numbers and variables. By the end of the week, students should have a very good idea of how to solve different types of equations, using the same process we used with the pouches and coins.

In Science we will be starting a new unit on "Genetics". Since our last unit on "Cells" was very short and this unit ties into it quite well, we will not be testing the "Cells" unit separately, but will have one big test at the end of the "Genetics" unit. We will start the unit by looking at traits for 6 human characteristics. We will then look at the purpose of genetic testing and different types of reproduction that could cause a trait to be carried down to offspring.

Any questions? Feel free to email me or leave a comment!

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