Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy 2011!!

I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday break and is ready to come back to school in 2011!

Remember, there is no school on Monday, January 3 for teacher development.

This week in Math students will be starting a new unit called "Comparing and Scaling". This unit continues to discuss scale factor and the idea of proportions. Students did very well with the last book, so I anticipate that students will be just as successful with this book. This first week of the unit students will be looking at comparison statements that are used by various companies in the real-world and they will be asked to judge the quality of these statements mathematically. REMEMBER -- if you had homework to do over break (mandatory for students under an 80% in class -- extra credit for those that were above an 80% in class), it is due on Tuesday!!!!

In Science we will continue our Chemistry Unit and will look at circuit boards. Students will get the chance to actually "etch" a circuit board (more information on what that means will be given in class!) using a copper chloride solution. Then, we will use the copper chloride solution to further investigate the concentration of copper chloride.

In Advisory it is expected that students will be ready to check in their ELA projects on Friday. Although I hope that everyone was able to spend some quality time with their family and relax over break, I hope some time was used for project work.

I look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday. Enjoy your last day off tomorrow!!


  1. That is so tomorrow an A day or B day??

  2. Tomorrow is an A day! See you both tomorrow!!!!! =)

  3. Khaila the math queen Ushery.January 4, 2011 at 8:51 PM

    WHats poppin people!!!!!!!
