Wednesday, March 31, 2010

I am so proud...

I am so thrilled that all the hard work has paid off! The students did FABULOUSLY on their Decimals and Percents Unit Test. A big congrats to the following people for receiving over an 80% on their test:
  • NiJaia (84%)
  • Khaila (92%)
  • Cameron (92%)
  • Trenton (96%)
  • Deacon (88%)
  • Christina (100%) woo hoo!
  • DaShawn (100%) double woo hoo!
  • Leah (96%)
  • Trinity (100%) triple woo hoo!
  • Richard (96%)



  2. mrs.perez i have a question on my exhibition.I'm having trouble finding the history of the lion,and when i tried to search history of a lion all these things about the history lions club popped up. Any other suggestions??

  3. Hmm...good question Christina. Let me try around on the internet and we can discuss this tomorrow okay? Don't worry about it tonight =)

  4. Hey Mrs.Perez i'm in Arizona right now and it's cool down here. The weather isn't so hot here it's been windy and cool. I'm out here with my aunt and cousin and it's nice very nice I will try to get you a a gift probably a rabbit foot for good luck. I'm kidding.

  5. Ananda -- you are too funny about the rabbit foot! I hope you enjoy Arizona and have a great trip. My friends who live in Las Vegas (near Arizona) have the same weather as where you are now...very windy! I hope you still enjoy your vacation though!

  6. O wow that is great ananda. I am so happy I passed the science test!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
