Monday, October 5, 2009

Weekly News

This week in Math we will return to our Prime Time unit. We will again review factors, multiples, greatest common factors, and least common multiples. After this, will begin Investigation 4 and review finding the prime factorization of a number using factor trees. We will wrap up the week by learning how to find the greatest common factor using the prime factorization of two numbers. Since it is a new month, we will also start a new timed test topic. As mentioned last week, we will be completing division timed tests. Students will be given 3 minutes and will be expected to complete 100 problems within this time.

In Science we will continue our study of soil by looking at the various nutrients in soil. Students will learn what each type of nutrient provides to the soil as well as look at various situations investigating what happens when those nutrients are not in the soil. We will finish the week making another concept map reviewing all the topics we've learned regarding soil.

In Advisory students are required to bring material to school to work on their advisory projects. Students that went to the library last Friday are strongly urged to bring the books they borrowed so they can start researching their various topics. I will also be meeting with each of the students to see what they have done so far regarding their 5 projects. PLEASE COME TO ADVISORY PREPARED!!!

I'm looking forward to a great week and I hope it proves to be one!


  1. Hi, mrs.perez this is Trinity and I read everything and I understand every word.
    Thank You...

  2. hello ms.perez,i will try my hardest in math and science.

  3. the same here.i will try my hardest at everything

  4. HI Ms. Perez,

    I just read this before school because I had extra time, I will do my best in all of it. Trenton Adams

  5. mrs.Perez i cant work on my report for some reason
