Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Yesterday and today in class, we discussed flourite and how it is used to make flouride which is in our toothpaste. I am VERY interested to know how a mineral is turned into something we have in toothpaste. Anyone who can research this and inform us by commenting below will get LOTS of extra credit.


  1. Hi, Mrs. Perez this is Trinity and I just found out how a mineral is turned into something we use in toothpaste.
    what the makers of toothpaste do is crush up a rock which is the gemstone and the rock is the minerals and mix it in with the rest of the ingredients.
    The reason why they use minerals is ti prevent tooth decay.

  2. Fluorite is a ultraviolent light colors such as green, yellow , and brown. A small amount of fluorite is supposed to reduce tooth dacay, so it is added to some toothpaste. Too much fluorite is known to be harmful,so toothpaste without fluorite is also available.

  3. the word florite means in latin fluere which means to flow.the name comes from the fact it melts easily.flourite is the natural crystalline form of calcium is transparent to translucent,glassy mineral.when pure flourite is clear clear,however flourite can show many different colors depending on tiny amounts of other elemants taking the place of calcium.flourite is illions state mineral symbol.fluoride is found in totth paste to reduce cavities.

  4. ms perez is tomorrow crzy boot day or just boot day

  5. Awesome information from all of you -- lots of extra credit for you!

    It is boot day but you can wear any kind of boots -- normal boots or crazy boots!

  6. Cool boots here we come
