Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Science Updates

Now that we've had some quizzes in Science, I want to congratulate the following students for maintaining an 80% or higher average after all of our MEAP review:
  • NiJaia 88%
  • Cameron 86%
  • Ravin 83%
  • Christina 90%
  • Caron 91%
  • Ananda 95%
  • Trinity 83%
  • Tyre 88%
  • DaShawn 97%
  • William 91%
  • Khaila 90%
  • Quishon 93%
  • Katie 88%
  • Nicholas 81%
  • Char 81%
  • Angelique 90%
  • Treasure 87%
Congratulations again! I hope you keep it up when we start our normal 8th grade topics!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Weekly News

This week, in Math we will be continue our study of different graphs. Last week we looked at box plots, stem plots, and scatterplots. This week we will look further at scatterplots, double bar graphs, and line graphs. Students will also consider different situations where simulations are better to use than collecting actual data. We will look at various ways to conduct simulations, to understand this concept better.

In Science, we will be finishing our review of various scientific concepts, by looking at Earth Science topics. On Wednesday, students will be having a quiz on each section - physical, life, and earth, and will be able to use their completed worksheets from last week and this week to complete them. On Thursday, we will be playing Jeopardy as one final review.

In Advisory we will be using this time to extend our math understanding. We will be looking at the weekly homework and going over practice problems to help reinforce topics discussed during class. Students are urged to bring their math homework and binder to advisory to get the most out of this review/homework help time.

Any questions? Let me know!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Awesome Math Scores

It's crazy to think that we've already had our first major math quiz. This quiz was on probability and box and whisker plots. Congratulations on the following people for receiving an 80% or higher on this quiz.
  • Trinity 86%
  • Ananda 90%
  • Kevin 93%
  • Christina 83%
  • DaShawn 93%
  • Tyre 93%
  • William 86%
  • Troy 83%
  • Treasure 93%
  • Nick 83%
  • Angelique 100% (AWESOME!!!)
  • Quishon 86%
  • Char 86%
  • Laura 86%
Congrats again! If you found that you aren't on this list this time, it is very important for you to make sure you are focusing in class and doing everything that is asked. Concepts are going to become harder as we move through 8th grade, and I will try to make it as easy as possible for you, but you are still going to have to give 100% focus.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Weekly News

This week in Math we are going to spend most of our time looking at graphs -- primarily box and whisker plots, stem and leaf plots, and scatterplots. Students will learn how to make them, read them, and analyze them. We will also review the measures of central tendency, as they relate to these different graphs.

In Science we will be continuing our review of Life, Physical, and Earth Science as we review for the MEAP test. Each day, we will focus on one of the major branches of science, reviewing 4 major concepts within each branch. This is an intense review since it covers material learned in 5th - 7th grades, so students are strongly urged to stay focused and take notes to review all this information as weeks get closer to MEAP testing in October.

In Advisory we will continue spending our time reviewing math concepts from last year. Using the pre-test that was taken the first week of school, students will have the opportunity to ask questions regarding any information they are unsure of. Again, as with science, it will be in the students best interest to come to class focused and take notes on anything that is new to them, so they can review it before MEAP.

Any questions? Feel free to contact me, or leave a message under this post!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Science questions

Some questions came up in class. Be the first to answer them on the blog (with your name) and receive extra credit!
1) Why is symbol for Iron, Fe?
2) What is a metalloid?

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Weekly News

This week we will be starting our "normal" days, with Science and Social Studies in the morning and Math and ELA in the afternoon.

In Math we will be starting a unit on probability and statistics. We will first start with using the common rock, paper, scissors game to look at experimental versus theoretical probability. We will then use Tree and Venn Diagrams to determine various probabilities for specific events. Towards the end of the week we will review measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode, range) and also discuss outliers. Using this data we will begin to understand and create box and whisker plots, after identifying median, lower quartile, upper quartile, minimum and maximum.

In Science we will be using our practice MEAP test as a basis for review for this years Science MEAP. Since the Science MEAP covers material from 5-7th grade, we will be spending each day going over major concepts taught in these 3 years. I will basis each day's lesson off of the questions that a majority of students got incorrect from their test last week.

In Advisory we will be using this time to review major concepts from Math last year, for this year's MEAP test. Students took a practice test last week as well, and we will go over questions that many students got incorrect. We will also have a few mini-lessons to teach concepts that were never taught last year because we ran out of time.

I look forward to starting the year off on a good note. Please remember on Monday to bring all of your supplies to class. For Science, you need a notebook (which you are to purchase on your own, or purchase one from me for $.25). For Math, you need to bring your binder and notebook that I provided to you. Remember, you need your planner for each and every class!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Welcome back 8th grade leaders!

I am so happy to be starting a brand new school year. I can't believe how much you all have grown in the past 3 years! I look forward to working with you this year and preparing you even more for high school.

Today in school you received the following pieces of information. Please review them with your family and return them to school, signed, ASAP:
  • Communication Log (just to be filled out -- nothing to review)
  • Classroom expectations
  • School-wide expectations
Please remember that YOU are the leaders of the school this year.  Especially since we are working more closely with our fellow 6th and 7th graders on our floor, it is important that you hold yourself to a high standard.  Those younger students are looking up to are the role model!