Sunday, September 26, 2010

Weekly News

This coming week in Math we will continue our study of graphs. We will review our quiz from Friday (and allow for a "re-do" for those that didn't perform very well) on Monday. Throughout the rest of the week, we are going to look at various tables and graphs and spend time analyzing them. This is what was most difficult for students in Investigation 1, so hopefully after this practice, students will feel more comfortable with problems asking to analyze the information.

In Science we will continue our study of the unknown liquid and solid. On Monday and Tuesday we will finish our activity with the analysis of the two unknown liquids and hopefully students will have a good idea of what the two liquids are. On Wednesday and Thursday, we will turn our study to the unknown solids that were in the mixture and start to analyze them separately to determine what each of them are. On Friday, we will finish the week by looking at how to determine volume of an object, and use that information to further determine what each of the solids are.

In Advisory I am still expecting that students have turned in their Learning Plan Sheet that was sent home last week. We will be using both the student and parent input to determine goals for this trimester.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Math Quiz

Well, the quizzes were definitely not done as well as I had hoped, which just means that we have some more practice to do next week. I do want to give a HUGE congrats to the following people, however, who received 80% or higher:
  • Christina 100%
  • Richard 100%
  • Trinity 88%
  • DaShawn 100%
  • Leah 100%
  • Khaila 88%
  • Nicholas 100%
  • Troy 88%
  • Angelique 88%
Keep it up!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Leah asked a very thoughtful question today asking "Why is the abbreviation for pounds, lbs?". In order to allow multiple people extra credit, feel free to email me the answer. If you get it correct, I will let you know in class. Good luck!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Back to School Night

Tomorrow (Tuesday) will be Back-to-School Night from 6-7:30pm. Parents will be able to follow their child's schedule and meet the various teachers they have (including elective). This would be a great time to meet up with any teacher you want to meet or have questions for.

Unfortunately, due to a prior commitment, I will NOT be available at Back-to-School night. If you have any questions regarding ANYTHING, please feel free to send me an email (, call me (313-831-0100 ext. 131), or leave a message on this blog and I will be sure to contact you ASAP. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Weekly News

This week in Math we will be continuing our practice with working with tables and graphs. Last week, students focused their time on the 5 criteria needed for a graph, as well as learning about scale and plotting points. This week, students will be learning how to make a table from a graph, AND making both a table and a graph from notes. So far, I am extremely impressed with their hard work and diligence as we begin our first algebra unit. I look forward to them shining on their first quiz on Friday!

In Science we will continue looking at the unknown mixture and discuss the plans the students made on Friday as far as how to separate the mixture. We will then further analyze each liquid and solid separately in order to discover what each of the components of the mixture really is. Again, students should prepare to have another notebook quiz on Friday. Make sure all analysis questions are answered and complete, as well as all vocabulary words written in your notebook.

We will continue using Advisory as a MEAP review time and/or study time, depending on the day. Students will be asked to fill out a short survey regarding their goals and interests, and will also be taking it home for their parents responses as well. This will help us as we develop our first learning plan in the coming weeks.

I am looking forward to another great week! Let me know if you have any questions!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our first full week!

This is it! Time to officially start Math and Science!

This week in Math we will be starting our new book, Variables and Patterns. This is a beginning algebra book where students will learn how to make tables, graphs, and equations from everyday situations. This week, the students will specifically be looking at jumping jacks. They will actually be doing jumping jacks for a specified time and we will graph the number of jumps they did during every interval. As the week goes on, we are going to compare this to a biking situation in which people biked a certain number of miles each hour. Please note, there will be homework, so make sure it is completed and brought in the next day!

In Science we are going to be starting with a Chemistry unit. We will be looking at mixtures of items (both liquids and solids) and use different skills to determine what each of the unknown liquids and solids are. Students will learn about corrosion, flammability, and what hazardous materials are. At the end of the week, students will develop an investigation where they will attempt to separate all of the liquids and solids from one another to study them more in depth.

In Advisory we will use that time to review for the upcoming MEAP. Students took a practice math MEAP last Friday and with the results, we will be going over any questions they may have or questions on the test that they simply didn't understand at all.

Lets have a great first week!!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

It's Back to School Time!!!

Can you believe it?!?! The summer is over and you are all returning for 7th grade! I'm very excited to see everyone on Tuesday and I hope you are all excited to be coming back.

Just a few reminders:
  • School doors open at 8am and you are considered tardy if you are not IN the classroom by 8:15am.
  • You must be in school uniform EVERYDAY! Same uniform as last year: red, white, or black polo (which must be tucked in at all times), black pants, belt, and ALL-black shoes. There is no excuse for coming out of uniform considering you all knew what was expected last year.
  • Math packets are due on Tuesday. If you haven't checked it out yet, look at the previous postings (scroll down to look at them), to check a few answers from each page. This packet is your first math grade. No packets will be accepted Wednesday, so make sure it is done!
If you have any other questions, please leave a comment! I look forward to seeing everyone bright and early on Tuesday to start another great year!