Sunday, November 29, 2009

Weekly News

This week in Math we will begin our unit on operations with fractions. This week, we will spend time working on how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions. It is EXTREMELY important that students use the step-by-step notes on how to complete each operation because each one has different steps and it is easy to confuse them with each other. Students may use their foldable on ALL assignments this week, so please make sure you have yours!

In Science we are going to finish our unit on rocks. We will finish our discussion of the rock cycle from the game we played last Tuesday. We will then talk about manufactured vs. real gems before reviewing for the test later in the week!

In Advisory this week, we are going to continue working on our requirements for our second trimester exhibition work. If students can get all their information on temperature, ethnicity, religion, and languages spoken, they will be given the opportunity to make their graphs using Microsoft Excel, in class. I am hoping (fingers crossed) that the students will do well enough during the week to be able to go to the library on Friday so students can get books on their country. Lets make it a good week so we can do that, okay?

I hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving Break -- I will see you all tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Upcoming Events

Just a reminder to follow those notes that went home today --

1) There will be an Honors Assembly on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 from 9-10am in the Gym. At this time, students with exceeding expectations academically (95% and above in any subject area), excellent citizenship, academic improvement, and perfect attendance, will receive an award. I hope everyone strives to get an award -- even if it isn't this trimester, how about you start for next trimester?

2) There will be tryouts for the UPA Talent Show on Monday, November 30, from 3:30-5pm. If you have a special talent and would like to be in the talent show, you will be expected to tryout on Monday.

Have a fabulous long, holiday weekend! Stay safe and enjoy time with your family. See you Monday!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Weekly News

Welcome to the shortest week of school EVER!

It's nice to know that after a busy week of exhibitions last week, we have a short, holiday week coming up.

In Math this week, we will be tracking our tests from last week. What this means, is that students are going to get a list of concepts that they are going to be taught this year, in hopes that they will master it. We are going to look at the test, determine what concepts they should have mastered, and track it, so each student is aware of his/her progress. Eventually, these tracking sheets are going to determine what student needs extra tutoring, what student may need summer school, etc. and we will be able to use these sheets to see what skills that student needs to practice.

In Science we are going to continue our unit on rocks. A couple weeks ago, we were discussing the differences between igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary, so we will revisit that, and play a game to enforce all the skills learned between all three types of rock.

Please note that there is NO SCHOOL on Wednesday due to Teacher Professional Development. Have a very safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday and I will see everyone back on Monday, November 30th!

Students, what are you thankful for this holiday season????

Saturday, November 21, 2009

T.G.I.W (Thank Goodness Its the Weekend!)

This week has been pretty busy! I want to commend everyone for their hard work during exhibitions and hope that everyone learned some critical aspects of exhibitions. Some things I hope that the students learned are:
  • Don't wait until the last minute to do a project -- it is noticeable when you are talking about it!
  • Make sure you speak to the audience (eye contact is important).
  • Try to let your personality show during your exhibition -- reading directly off of a board or notecards is boring and doesn't let you speak from your knowledge!
  • Make sure you have enough information to meet the time necessary (25-30 minutes). If yours was under 20 minutes, you didn't have enough information to prove that you really researched your topic considering you had 2.5 months to work on this!
I would like to congratulate the following students for receiving a grade of "MEETING" expectations (which was an average of 3) on either presentation, academics, or both --
  • Cameron (Presentation and Academics)
  • Christina (Presentation and Academics)
  • Ananda (Presentation and Academics)
  • Michael (Presentation)
  • Nate (Academics)
  • Trinity (Presentation and Academics)
  • Bekkah (Academics)
  • DaShawn (Presentation and Academics)
  • Leah (Academics)
  • Khaila (Presentation and Academics)
  • Deacon (Presentation and Academics)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

End of the week updates

#1 -- Tomorrow is "Wear your Sweats" Day. For $2, you can dress in your comfortable clothes of sweatsuits, tracksuits, "warm up" clothes, etc. NO JEANS -- come in your comfy clothes!

#2 -- Tomorrow is the first collection of money for Meals on Wheels for the senior citizens over the holidays. Any money is greatly appreciated for the 8th grade leadership project -- even $1 is helpful!

See you tomorrow!

Super Duper!

We took our second Math Unit test today on the basic understanding of fractions, decimals, and percents. a HUGE pat on the back is deserved to the following students for receiving over a 90%: Bekkah (100%), Trenton (93%), NiJaia (90%), Christina (100%), DaShawn Sorrell-Williams (100%), Leah (100%), Ananda (97%), Michael (97%), Richard (97%), Trinity (100%), and Khaila (97%). Way to go class. I am very proud of all your hard work this week, despite having exhibitions!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Weekly News

This week is going to be QUITE a busy week!

In Math this week we will finish up our unit with basic fraction, decimal, and percent concepts. We will review for a few days and have our test on Thursday.

We will not be doing Science this week due to Exhibitions -- we will be back to science next week!

In Advisory of course we will be having our exhibitions. Please refer to the letter I sent home regarding the time of your child's exhibition. Arriving about 5 minutes early will really be helpful so we can start on time and keep to the schedule for the afternoon. Your child should have a rubric regarding how they will be graded, but for some quick highlights, please make sure the following is ready:
  • 8 projects -- 5 learning plan projects and 3 trimester academic projects.
  • A visual aid of some sort is necessary for each project. It should be professional looking (not crinkled up, torn, and big enough for everyone to see) with the ability to explain everything -- not just showing it to us.
  • Students will want to practice what they are going to say and prepare note cards if necessary. They should not rely on those notecards because one of the criteria for grading is eye contact and how prepared they are. If they have to rely on their notecards, it shows that they haven't practiced enough.
  • All of the information must be in the student's own words and must be thorough. Considering that the student's have had 2.5 months to work on these projects, it is very important that their hard work shows and that they can prove that they really know the content and can explain it to us.
Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have questions -- or leave comments on the blog and I will respond back as soon as I can. I'm looking forward to the students' first exhibition and I hope you are too!

Friday, November 13, 2009

Awesome Adders

Yeah, I know it seems a bit odd to do addition timed tests in 6th grade, but my hope is that by practicing basic addition, the students shouldn't have to use their fingers to count anymore. Congrats to the students that have already received over a 90% (I also encourage students that already do well with this test to push themselves even more and try to go faster, so the second number is the time it took to complete the test): Christina (95% -- 2:35), Richard (100% -- 2:35), Trinity (97% -- 2:10), and Bekkah (100% -- 2:20). As silly as it may sound, please keep practicing your addition!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Woo Hoo!!!!

Even in the midst of all this project work for exhibitions, on today's math quiz, almost everyone got above an 80%. Working with fractions and decimals is never easy, so I really applaud everyone for working so hard that they mastered the work this well. Congratulations to the following students who received over a 90% on this test: Leah (96%), Richard (96%), Trinity (100%), Ananda (100%), DaShawn (96%), Trenton (100%), Deacon (100%), Christina (100%), Bekkah (100%), Michael (92%), and NiJaia (96%). Keep up the phenomenal work!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Weekly News

This week in Math we will use our knowledge with fractions and decimals and now place them on a number line. Since fractions and decimals are part of a whole number, it is critical that students know the proper placement of fractions and decimals on a number line. We are also working on addition timed tests. Some students and parents wonder why we are working on addition timed tests, so to answer this question, it is because so many students are still counting on their fingers. While this method is something that students can do if they have to, it is pretty important that now that they are in 6th grade, they can add common numbers (between 1-20) quickly, without their fingers. They learned to add in first grade, so I would like them to become more proficient in adding quickly.

In Science we will continue looking at properties of rocks. We will test a variety of rocks to see what types of minerals are in them, by looking at the properties those minerals have. We will finish up the week by looking at the difference between metamorphic, sedimentary, and igneous rocks.

Students will have a lot of time in Advisory this week to plan for next week's exhibitions. Please note that not all students have an exhibition time yet. It is critical for everyone to have one scheduled, because EVERYONE must present their projects next week. During advisory, it is expected that students are about 98% done with their projects and are either putting the finishing touches on them, or are preparing their verbal presentation (planning out note cards, practicing what they are going to say, etc.). Please make a conscious effort to be as prepared as possible because your exhibition is the only thing that determines your advisory grade for this trimester!

I have to apologize for being a little bit of a slacker in announcing AWESOME work that the students have been doing. Although it might be a little late, a huge congratulations goes to the following students for receiving over a 95% on their division timed test, which they did the entire month of October: Cameron (95%), Marae (99%), Christina (100%), Ananda (99%), Richard (100%), Trinity (100%), Bekkah (100%), DaShawn (100%), Leah (100%), and Khaila (100%).

The students completed their first Rocks and Minerals Quiz last Monday, so a big round of applause goes to the following students who received over an 80% on that quiz: Cameron (100%), Christina (100%), Ananda (90%), Richard (100%), Trinity (90%), DaShawn (100%), Leah (80%), Khaila (100%), and NiJaia (90%).

I'm looking forward to this week and all it will bring. I hope everyone is ready for tomorrow and the week to come!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


As we discussed in class, minerals are found in rocks. There was a question regarding calcite that asked if calcite is found in only one rock or if it is found in more than one rock. If you find out the answer, with the name of the rock/rocks that calcite is found in, you will receive credit. Please let me know if you want your points to go for extra credit or for group points.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Weekly News

This week in Math we will continue our studies of fractions and decimals. We will review how to turn fractions into decimals and decimals into fractions, from last week. The students will then learn how to compare fractions and decimals using "less than", "greater than", and "equal to" symbols. Lastly, students will order fractions and decimals from least to greatest.

In Science we will continue our study of minerals and rocks. On Monday, students will have a quiz on all the material they learned so far (review the study guide from Friday if needed). For the rest of the week, we will continue looking at properties of various minerals and identify minerals based on these properties.

In Advisory students should be wrapping up their exhibition projects. As you notice on the last blog posting, exhibition times should be signed up for (please contact me, or respond on that blog for your preferred time) and students will have their last full week to prepare for these projects in class. Next week, we will prepare even more by making note cards and being sure that visual aids are all prepared. Exhibitions start in two weeks, so it is CRITICAL that all students are finishing what they need to, so they are prepared for their upcoming presentation.

A few more notes:
  • No school on Tuesday due to Teacher Professional Development
  • A field trip to U of M Dearborn is taking place on Friday from 11am-2pm. This trip is free of charge and students will eat before leaving. Students that normally get a hot lunch will receive a bagged lunch to eat.
Let me know if you have any questions -- and Happy November everyone!