Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Tomorrow is Count Day. This is the day that is very important for determining how much funding we get for the school for resources to teach our students. As a reward to the first class with 100% attendance, there will be a pizza and game party on Friday. LETS BE THE WINNERS! Please be early tomorrow...the earlier we are all here, the better our chances of getting the party!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Weekly News

In Math this week, we will be reviewing some topics that students learned (or should have learned) last year in 5th grade to prepare them for the MEAP test that will begin in the middle of October. We will review how to solve multi-step multiplication, long division problems, how to analyze story problems to determine which are multiplication and which are division, and end the week reviewing how to find the area of triangles and quadrilaterals. On Friday, students will have a quiz reviewing all of these skills. This week is also the last week for multiplication timed tests. Students will take a test everyday and once they get over 95% correct, they will no longer have to take the test anymore. If they don't get above 95%, they will take them the entire week and their grade will be the highest score they get during the week. A special prize will be given to the class if the entire class can get over 95%! Good luck!

In Science this week, we will be reviewing soil composition as well as soil layers. A quiz will be on Tuesday regarding this material. Later in the week, students will begin to look at other soil attributes, including what areas of the world have what types of soil. We will again look at the garden problem to try to determine what soil was located in their school garden compared to the garden next door.

In Advisory this week, it is extremely important for the students to bring in materials to work on their learning plan projects. Although 3-6 students get to use the computers each day, it is important for each student to bring something in to work on so they can use their time wisely. Remember that it might be necessary to do some research at home and bring it to school so work can actually be done. Also, some of their advisory work will have to be completed at home as well, so please make sure your child is working on their learning plan goals on the weekend and on weeknights!

Here's to a great week!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Again...so impressive!

You guys just ROCK!  That's all I can say about that.  This week, we had 9 people over 90% for this week's graded multiplication timed test (keep in mind that 2 students were absent!).  I huge round of applause goes to Marae (100%), Sh'kyra (99%), Christina (99%), Richard (100%), Trinity (99%), Bekkah (100%), DaShawn (100%), Leah (91%), and Khaila (99%).  Please keep in mind that the final tests will be taken next week.  I will grade the tests every day and the highest grade during the week will be their final score.  This weekend would be a great time to study to be sure to pass next week!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Soil Composition

To review our lesson today, we discussed soil composition.  We read that soil is made up of sand, silt, clay, and organic matter.  

For credit today, answer any of the following questions:
1)  What is sand?
2)  What is silt?
3)  What is clay?
4)  What is organic matter?
5)  Why is organic matter so important in helping plants grow?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Square numbers

In math on Monday, we discussed what square numbers are.  To get credit, comment on this post, and give me an example of a square number.  If other students have commented before you, please make sure you give a different answer than ones already given.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Weekly Updates

In Math this week, we will continue in our Prime Time book.  This week we will look for patterns within multiples and factors, and also discuss greatest common factors (GCF) and least common multiples (LCM).  We will also continue taking multiplication timed tests in hopes that more students improve their scores.  Since we do not have school on Friday, I will be checking the test taken on Thursday to check their weekly improvement.  Next week is the final week for tests, in which I am expecting students to receive over a 95% on the test.    

In Science this week, we will start looking at soil composition.  Students will complete a lab experiment where they will make soil-water columns, which will separate the soil into the different components of soil.  We will then relate this experiment to some reading regarding the scientific names for the different components of soil, and make a concept map to summarize all of the information learned.

In Advisory, students should have their final learning plan completed (in pen) and signed by a parent.  I will make copies of them (one for my record, one for the student at school, and one for the parents at home).  Students will have 30 minutes every day to work on their advisory goals.  They are expected to have something to work on EVERY DAY towards reaching their goals.  Although they are given 30 minutes every day, it is also necessary that the students are working on their projects at home after school and on the weekends.  Parents, please remind your child on the importance of working on these projects.  

Please take note that there is no school on Friday, September 25, 2009 due to Teacher Professional Development.  Please comment if you have read this, and let me know if you have any questions.  

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Simply Amazing

I am so amazed at how fast my students are improving in their multiplication timed tests.  Practice makes perfect, right?  Well, last week, only 6 students had scores above 80%.  This week, 9 students scored above 80% (and that is with 3 students absent, so it could have been more).  Congratulations to Marae (81%), Sh'kyra (96%), Christina (99%), Richard (94%), Trinity (100%), Bekkah (96%), Leah (80%), Khaila (97%), and Deacon (83%)

I feel so blessed to have such a great class this year and I hope they continue striving to improve.  Keep it up guys.  Remember, the goal is to have the entire class over 95% by the end of the month, and it's half way over!  Keep practicing and lets hope for even more students to be on this list next week.  

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Way to go!!!

An awesome round of applause goes to the following students for receiving over an 80% on their first weekly math quiz relating to factors and multiples:  Sh'kyra (82%), Christina (88%), Richard (100%), Michael (88%), Trinity (94%), Bekkah (100%), Leah (94%), Khaila (82%), and Deacon (94%).   I am so proud that you all did so well, and I hope you continue the awesome work!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Factor Game or Product Game, anyone?

If you are sitting at home and don't know what to do, pull out your "Factor Game" game board or your "Product Game" game board and find a family member to play with.  Speaking of products, which also relate to multiples, can you name five multiples of 8?  Comment and receive credit.  If someone has already commented when you comment, make sure your five multiples are not repeats of multiples already given, if you'd like the credit.  

Monday, September 14, 2009

Weekly News

This week, we will officially start our math and science curriculum.  

In Math, we will begin the unit entitled, Prime Time.  This week, we will start with reviewing factors and multiples of numbers, by playing "The Factor Game" and "The Product Game".  We will determine when factors should be used, and when multiples are better to use to solve problems.  We will continue to complete multiplication timed tests as well and another test will be graded on Friday.

In Science, we will begin with an emphasis on observation.  We will discuss the importance of observation for a few lessons, and then start analyzing a scientific problem in a lesson called "The Garden Problem".  

In Advisory, we will begin looking at our academic goals for the trimester.  We will begin to fill out Learning Plans using the theme of "All About Me" for the first trimester.  Students will have to determine a goal for Reading/Writing, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Personal Qualities.  With these goals, the students must determine what they will do to meet this goal, and what they will show at the end of the trimester (at their exhibition) to prove that this goal was met.  We will discuss Learning Plans and Exhibitions more at the Open House after school today.  

If you have any questions regarding this information, please comment (parents and students).  Also, don't forget to comment under this posting to let me know you've read the weekly news to get participation points.  Have a great week!!!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

I am so impressed...

I am so impressed that so many of my students are already doing very well on their timed multiplication test.  The students are practicing basic multiplication facts (1x1 to 12x12) and are tested on those facts daily in class.  They get 3 minutes to complete 100 facts.  So far, 6 of my 17 students already scored above 80% on their first graded test!  Congratulations to Sh'kyra, Christina, Richard, Trinity, DaShawn, and Khaila for receiving a great first grade!

If you would like help on those facts, I would suggest buying flash cards at the dollar store, or use Math Fact Cafe where flash cards are built right into the webpage.  The students have until the end of September to get above a 95% on these tests.  

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Are you ready???

It's back to school time. Are you ready? Please take the time to comment on this page about two things you look forward to this year and one academic goal you have. Remember, commenting on this page to record your answer gives you a participation points, and is part of your grade.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Open House

Attention Parents!

Since I was not able to meet with every parent before school started, I would like to welcome you to my Open House on Monday, September 14, 2009 at 3:30pm in my room (Room 207). All parents and students are welcome during this time as I will discuss a variety of topics, including:
  • Topics of study this trimester
  • Learning Plans and Exhibitions
  • Class expectations
  • Setting goals for the first trimester
  • More detailed blog information
I would also like to take the time to go over any other questions you may have as a new UPA Middle School parent. If you are not able to make it during this time, it is very important for us to meet regarding your child's goals this trimester, so please contact me to set up other arrangements to meet.

See you then!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

It's back to school time...

Students and Parents,

Welcome to 6th grade at UPA Middle School. I am extremely excited to start working this school year and I anticipate it being the best year yet. At this point, you should have read my letter and expectations for our class this year (if you haven't, make sure to ask your child for it). I would like to take this time just to highlight a few key points:
  • Wearing the correct uniform is CRITICAL. Please note the uniform requirements on the back of my personal letter to you. Students out of uniform will have to call home and have their uniform brought to them. Repeated offenders will have other privileges taken away (field trips, free dress days, etc.)
  • Being on time to school is necessary. Lessons begin promptly at 8:15am. Regularly being late could affect your child's education in many ways: homework is checked at the beginning of class (being late means your child will miss the homework review), the lecture/explanation of the lesson is done during the first 15-20 minutes of class (being late means your child will miss crucial material that I teach). If your child is late, it will be his/her responsibility to show me their homework and get extra instruction at a later time (lunch, after school, etc.)
  • In class today, we discussed the class expectations and procedures. I have developed them in an effort to ensure a smooth learning experience. Please read these over carefully, sign it and return. If you are unclear or do not agree with a specific expectation/procedure, please indicate that on the form and I will contact you regarding it. Also, please look over our grading policy. If you are new to UPA, this may be confusing to you, so read it over and again let me know if you need any clarification. I will be more than happy to explain this policy more in-depth.
  • I have also sent home a contact information sheet for you to fill out (if you did not do so at the Back-to-school meetings) so I can contact you when necessary. Please indicate the best method of contacting you (email or phone), including the best time to contact you.

Always feel free to contact me at any time regarding your child's progress. Also, everytime you read a posting, please feel free to write a comment/question regarding the information (even commenting that you read the posting). Your child will receive credit for participation each time!