Sunday, November 14, 2010

Weekly News

This week in Math we will continue to explore the idea of similarity and scale factor by using pictures on a coordinate grid. Students will spend Monday and Tuesday completing these pictures and will analyze them in another activity on Wednesday and Thursday. By the end of the week it is anticipated that the students will understand how to determine scale factor, even if decimal scale factors are used.

In Science we will continue our studies of the elements and the periodic table. Early in the week we will finish a reading on the periodic table, focusing mainly on compounds that are created from the elements on the table. We will finish the week by creating models to further investigate atoms, elements, chemical bonds, molecules, and compounds.

In Advisory it is the big week. It is EXHIBITION week! I am hoping that students are successfully able to present the information they gathered for the past 2 months. They are expected to present 5 mini-projects and show a depth of knowledge, along with a visual aid, to prove that they learned a great amount of information regarding their topic. Remember, the time frame is 15-20 minutes, so make sure each mini-project has about 3-4 minutes of information! Please refer to the rubric passed out 2 weeks ago regarding how the students will be graded.

Any questions? Let me know! I look forward to seeing all the parents at their child's exhibition!


  1. Hi mrs.Perez did you get my email?

  2. Yes Khaila I did get your email. It seems as though you need a more inclusive progress report though, than what I give. It has to have your grade for ALL classes, and have a spot for behavior. We'll make one this week for you okay?

  3. I just wanted to tell you that I was planning on playing a game for the student participation

  4. Mrs.Perez are we gonnna choose what to do next year or are you telling us to pick something like a country.

  5. Sounds good Trinity. Ananda, I'm not sure yet. We'll have to talk about that -- but we'll wait until next week after everyone's exhibition is over. I don't want anyone worrying about next trimester quite yet! =)

  6. Hi Mrs.Perez, sooo.....what did the doctor say your having?
