Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Week!

Hi everyone. Are you looking forward to a short school week and a long holiday weekend with your family? I know I am!

This week in Math we will be taking our quiz on Investigation 2. This quiz will include filling in missing side lengths of shapes with a given scale factor, having to find the scale factor between shapes, and determining if shapes are similar by looking for the scale factor among the shapes. On Monday we will complete our review and Tuesday and on Wednesday, we will have our quiz.

In Science we are going to further investigate atoms, elements, chemical bonds, molecules, and compounds. We will be making models of each of these to get a better understanding of how they are different from one another. Students will also be having a notebook quiz, so please make sure to have all recent analysis questions done (and corrected), rubrics, and labsheets so you can use them effectively on the quiz.

In Advisory we will use this time to further discuss exhibitions from last week -- what went well and what didn't. We also will start brainstorming ideas for the next trimester. On Wednesday (as long as all goes well with the class during the week), we will take a quick trip to the library to return books from last trimester and get new books for this trimester.

Please remember that this is officially the last week of the trimester, so in both classes, make sure to do your best on class work and quizzes. This is your last chance to raise your grade!

As we move into Thanksgiving later this week, feel free to comment on what you are looking forward to this holiday season.


  1. Hi Mrs.Perez I thought we were going to wayne state too. And also I just wanted to say hi also....

  2. Hi Trinity. We are definitely going to the library but the Wayne State part is part of a reward that we'll do if we have a decent week. Unfortunately I wasn't as impressed with exhibitions this time around to say we will for sure go to Wayne State or not, so it also depends on how well everyone does on their math and science quiz (as well as behavior for the week) too!
