Sunday, November 28, 2010

Weekly News

This week in Math we are going to continue our studies on scale factor and similar shapes. Since few people did very well with their quiz before Thanksgiving, we are going to review the entire quiz concepts again on Monday before moving on to Investigation 3, which will require these skills. Throughout the week we will continue looking at different shapes and finding the measure of missing side lengths using ratios and scale factor. Remember, if you need extra help, you may come up at lunch on Tuesday and Thursday for that help!

In Science we are going to look at the properties of plastic. We are going to find various properties so that we can determine what type of plastic an unknown sample of plastic is. Students will use the results of the physical and chemical properties of the plastics to come up with a solution.

In Advisory we are going to continue to determine what requirements are needed for the 2nd trimester exhibition topic of "careers". After we brainstorm ideas, students will have to choose two options out of each category (math, science, social studies, ELA, and personal qualities). By choosing and completing 2 categories, students will be sure to have a depth of knowledge of their topic. Remember, research is still needed to complete these tasks -- not just the knowledge you already have about the topic.

Please remember that Monday marks the first day of the 2nd trimester. Everyone starts out with 100% in their classes, but it is up to them on whether or not they keep that 100%. Be sure to take advantage of any opportunity you have to correct mistakes for a better grade, get extra help, etc. so you can do even better than last trimester!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

First Trimester Superstars!

I am very impressed with the following people that received an 80% average or higher in math and/or science. Congratulations! If you did not receive an 80% average or higher this trimester, I hope that you decide to do all that is necessary next trimester to strive to be on this list!

  • NiJaia (86%)
  • Christina (94%)
  • Ananda (83%)
  • Richard (92%)
  • Trinity (97%)
  • DaShawn (97%)
  • Leah (88%)
  • Khaila (85%)
  • Dorian (83%)
  • Laura (83%)
  • Nick (82%)
  • Troy (83%)
  • Angelique (84%)
  • Osaze (82%)
  • Patrice (80%)
  • Trenton (80%)
  • NiJaia (85%)
  • Cameron (82%)
  • Christina (93%)
  • Ananda (88%)
  • Richard (94%)
  • Trinity (100%)
  • Jerkirean (83%)
  • DaShawn (94%)
  • Leah (85%)
  • William (82%)
  • Khaila (88%)
  • Chandler (88%)
  • Laura (89%)
  • Jordan (82%)
  • Nick (85%)
  • Char (85%)
  • Troy (83%)
  • Angelique (86%)
  • Osaze (87%)
  • Patrice (80%)
Congratulations again and keep up the great work as we move towards 2nd trimester. Again, those of you not on the lists should try to reach out for extra help so you can have a better understanding of the math and science work so you can be on this list next trimester.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Investigation 2 Quiz

Today's math quiz for Investigation 2 was the last one for the 1st trimester. Unfortunately many students did not do well on this quiz even after 2 days of review and the option to come up at lunch for extra help (of which no one did). I am very happy with the following students, however, for finishing this trimester out strong:
  • Trinity 100%
  • DaShawn 100%
  • Nate 83%
  • Troy 83%

Parents, please note that your child has his/her quiz, so feel free to ask for it and look it over to see where the mistakes were made. We will continue practicing this same skill after Thanksgiving, so I urge anyone who did poorly on it to come et extra help when possible!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving Week!

Hi everyone. Are you looking forward to a short school week and a long holiday weekend with your family? I know I am!

This week in Math we will be taking our quiz on Investigation 2. This quiz will include filling in missing side lengths of shapes with a given scale factor, having to find the scale factor between shapes, and determining if shapes are similar by looking for the scale factor among the shapes. On Monday we will complete our review and Tuesday and on Wednesday, we will have our quiz.

In Science we are going to further investigate atoms, elements, chemical bonds, molecules, and compounds. We will be making models of each of these to get a better understanding of how they are different from one another. Students will also be having a notebook quiz, so please make sure to have all recent analysis questions done (and corrected), rubrics, and labsheets so you can use them effectively on the quiz.

In Advisory we will use this time to further discuss exhibitions from last week -- what went well and what didn't. We also will start brainstorming ideas for the next trimester. On Wednesday (as long as all goes well with the class during the week), we will take a quick trip to the library to return books from last trimester and get new books for this trimester.

Please remember that this is officially the last week of the trimester, so in both classes, make sure to do your best on class work and quizzes. This is your last chance to raise your grade!

As we move into Thanksgiving later this week, feel free to comment on what you are looking forward to this holiday season.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Weekly News

This week in Math we will continue to explore the idea of similarity and scale factor by using pictures on a coordinate grid. Students will spend Monday and Tuesday completing these pictures and will analyze them in another activity on Wednesday and Thursday. By the end of the week it is anticipated that the students will understand how to determine scale factor, even if decimal scale factors are used.

In Science we will continue our studies of the elements and the periodic table. Early in the week we will finish a reading on the periodic table, focusing mainly on compounds that are created from the elements on the table. We will finish the week by creating models to further investigate atoms, elements, chemical bonds, molecules, and compounds.

In Advisory it is the big week. It is EXHIBITION week! I am hoping that students are successfully able to present the information they gathered for the past 2 months. They are expected to present 5 mini-projects and show a depth of knowledge, along with a visual aid, to prove that they learned a great amount of information regarding their topic. Remember, the time frame is 15-20 minutes, so make sure each mini-project has about 3-4 minutes of information! Please refer to the rubric passed out 2 weeks ago regarding how the students will be graded.

Any questions? Let me know! I look forward to seeing all the parents at their child's exhibition!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Element Symbols

Some students in class asked why some elements had symbols (abbreviations) that were not using any of the letters that were in the name. For example, Potassium has a symbol of K, Sodium has a symbol of Na. WHY???? If you can find out, please EMAIL me so that multiple people can respond for extra credit. I will post on here what students get the extra credit and will put the answer on here by Monday.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Stretching and Shrinking SUPERSTARS!!

Congratulations to the following people who received an 80% or higher on their first quiz of our unit on similar objects!
  • NiJaia -- 84%
  • Christina -- 92%
  • Richard -- 92%
  • Nate -- 84%
  • Trinity -- 100%
  • Jerkirean -- 84%
  • DaShawn -- 100%
  • Leah -- 100%
  • Troy -- 92%
  • Angelique -- 92%
  • Osaze -- 92%
  • Patrice -- 96%
Congratulations again!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Synthetic Elements

Today we talked about different "families" of elements. Some elements are liquid, some are gas, some are solids, and some are synthetic. While we know what solids, liquids, and gases are, what does it mean for an element to be "synthetic"? Write a response by adding a comment to the blog and you will get extra credit if your answer is correct!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Weekly News

This week in Math we will continue our discussion on similar figures. Students should know the basic "rules" for similar figures relating to side lengths, basic shape, angles, perimeter, and area. Students will have a quiz on Thursday over this topic. On Friday, we will review the coordinate grid for an activity next week relating coordinate grid figures to similar figures.

In Science we will finish our investigation on determining the properties of a variety of objects that we started on Friday. For the remainder of the week we are going to start talking about elements, atoms, and the periodic table.

In Advisory students will be working on making notecards, practicing on the smartboard (if they are using it for their presentation) and making an agenda. Exhibitions start next week, so as of now, students should be ready to go with all of their projects. Please refer to the exhibition rubric that was sent home last week as to what students will be graded on. Also, if you don't have an exhibition time yet, please sign up ASAP! Options of times are running out!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Variables and Patterns Test SUPERSTARS!!

A big kudos to the following people for receiving an 80% or higher on today's Unit Test:

  • Khaila 85%
  • Jerkirean 80%
  • Trinity 91%
  • Richard 97%
  • Cameron 85%
  • Christina 97%
  • Ananda 88%
  • DaShawn 97%
  • Leah 85%
  • Angelique 83%
  • Nicholas 97%
  • Dorian 88%
  • Laura 90%

I am hoping that everyone looks back over the test and takes advantage of the possible re-take on Thursday by getting your test signed and brought back!


The first trimester is quickly coming to a close. Our first trimester exhibitions will be during the week of November 15-19th. Students will be presenting their 5 mini-projects for the topic they chose at the beginning of the year. Each project will be graded on the following:
  • Depth of knowledge -- information presented must be NEW information -- something they learned by doing their research -- NOT something they've already known. Information must also be in the student's own words. Anything copied directly from the source will not be allowed and student will receive a 0 for that section.
  • Preparedness/time spent on each section -- how prepared they are with presenting their information -- not stumbling over their words, not reading directly from their paper or powerpoint. Students should be able to casually talk to us about their topic because they know it well enough. Students should also have enough information about each topic, spending about 3-4 minutes on each section (for a total of 15-20 minutes total)
  • Visual aids -- Students need a visual aid for EACH of their mini-projects. These visual aids must be neat and professional, and easy for everyone to be able to see from the front of the room.
Exhibition notes went home today, but you can respond to this posting if you'd like to, to reserve your day and time. I will confirm on here (or on the returned paper) so you know the time of your child's exhibition.

Monday (11/15): 1pm, 1:30pm, 2pm, 2:30pm
Tuesday (11/16): 1pm, 1:30pm, 2pm, 2:30pm
Wednesday (11/17): 1pm, 1:30pm
Thursday (11/18): 1pm, 1:30pm, 2pm, 2:30pm
Friday (11/19): 1pm, 1:30pm, 2pm, 2:30pm

Let me know if you have any questions regarding information on this post or anything regarding exhibitions at all!