Sunday, April 25, 2010

Weekly News

This week in Math we will be finishing up with our unit on Geometry. We will first begin by reviewing interior angles and learn how to find exterior angles. Then we will review corresponding angles (when two parallel lines are cut by a transversal) and relate that to finding the corresponding sides and angles of two polygons. We will also look at how to "find the rule" of basic transformations when polygons are on a coordinate grid. Finally, we will review all of these topics (on Thursday) to prepare for our Friday Unit Exam.

In Science we will be identifying producers and consumers and relate this to the food web we discussed last week. We will also begin discussing the roles of producers, with the concept of photosynthesis, and get an understanding of how the photosynthesis process works.

In Advisory students will be urged to work on any of the sections of their project that is not complete so far. Next Monday (May 3) I will be checking in their personal qualities. Some students are right on target with their sections, but some students have not turned in any. Starting next week the students will be expected to start preparing how they are going to present each of their sections, but without the information prepared, this will be very hard. Please stay on track!

I'm looking forward to another week!! (can you believe it is the last week of April??)


  1. Heyy Mr.s Perez I was just saying hi and see you tomorrow.

  2. Hi Trinity. It's good to see you on here -- haven't seen any comments from you lately! =) Hope you had a good weekend and I'll see you tomorrow!

  3. Hi Mrs.Perez and class can't wait to see you all tomorrow!

  4. Mrs.Perez, For personal Qualities I'm going to do true or false questions...And I was wondering about how many questions do you think I should ask??

  5. Christina -- you can ask as many as you'd like, but I would suggest at least more than 5! You want to make sure you show "depth of knowledge" and fill up the time you should have for that section. The more, the better!
