Sunday, November 22, 2009

Weekly News

Welcome to the shortest week of school EVER!

It's nice to know that after a busy week of exhibitions last week, we have a short, holiday week coming up.

In Math this week, we will be tracking our tests from last week. What this means, is that students are going to get a list of concepts that they are going to be taught this year, in hopes that they will master it. We are going to look at the test, determine what concepts they should have mastered, and track it, so each student is aware of his/her progress. Eventually, these tracking sheets are going to determine what student needs extra tutoring, what student may need summer school, etc. and we will be able to use these sheets to see what skills that student needs to practice.

In Science we are going to continue our unit on rocks. A couple weeks ago, we were discussing the differences between igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary, so we will revisit that, and play a game to enforce all the skills learned between all three types of rock.

Please note that there is NO SCHOOL on Wednesday due to Teacher Professional Development. Have a very safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday and I will see everyone back on Monday, November 30th!

Students, what are you thankful for this holiday season????


  1. Mrs.Perez I am so thankful for my friends and family because some people don't have friends or family. I am also thankful for food, clothes, and a warm house, thanks to coal of coruse because some people are homeless.

  2. Im thankful for my house,family,friends,food,clothes,and an awsome teacher like you mrs.perez!!
    Cause some people dosent have any of those things!!

  3. Thank you Khaila and Christina for sharing. You both are right. Those things you mentioned are things we take for granted. Happy Thanksgiving girls!
