Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Upcoming Events

Just a reminder to follow those notes that went home today --

1) There will be an Honors Assembly on Tuesday, December 8, 2009 from 9-10am in the Gym. At this time, students with exceeding expectations academically (95% and above in any subject area), excellent citizenship, academic improvement, and perfect attendance, will receive an award. I hope everyone strives to get an award -- even if it isn't this trimester, how about you start for next trimester?

2) There will be tryouts for the UPA Talent Show on Monday, November 30, from 3:30-5pm. If you have a special talent and would like to be in the talent show, you will be expected to tryout on Monday.

Have a fabulous long, holiday weekend! Stay safe and enjoy time with your family. See you Monday!


  1. I will have a fabulous holiday. Also me And Khaila MIGHT tryout for the talemt show, we are PROBABLY going to be dancing!!!

  2. Trinity count me in too!!!!!!!!

  3. Trinity spelled talent wrong. have a good holiday and be safe.

  4. Thank you for correcting me Ananda.

  5. Hay Mrs.Perez its me again I just wanted to tell you that I finished the math part of my project. I had ran into a glitch, when I was looking for the ethnicity of france it had said the usage of ethnic and racial catorgorize is avoided to prevent any case of discrimination, same regulations apply to religious membership data cannot be compiled under the french census.
    I really do not know what to do!

  6. Trinity, we can talk about that in the morning. Others might run into that problem and we can talk about some solutions. Thanks for letting me know!
