Sunday, September 26, 2010

Weekly News

This coming week in Math we will continue our study of graphs. We will review our quiz from Friday (and allow for a "re-do" for those that didn't perform very well) on Monday. Throughout the rest of the week, we are going to look at various tables and graphs and spend time analyzing them. This is what was most difficult for students in Investigation 1, so hopefully after this practice, students will feel more comfortable with problems asking to analyze the information.

In Science we will continue our study of the unknown liquid and solid. On Monday and Tuesday we will finish our activity with the analysis of the two unknown liquids and hopefully students will have a good idea of what the two liquids are. On Wednesday and Thursday, we will turn our study to the unknown solids that were in the mixture and start to analyze them separately to determine what each of them are. On Friday, we will finish the week by looking at how to determine volume of an object, and use that information to further determine what each of the solids are.

In Advisory I am still expecting that students have turned in their Learning Plan Sheet that was sent home last week. We will be using both the student and parent input to determine goals for this trimester.

1 comment:

  1. hey, Mrs.Perez this is trinity just saying hi and congradulations!!!
