Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our first full week!

This is it! Time to officially start Math and Science!

This week in Math we will be starting our new book, Variables and Patterns. This is a beginning algebra book where students will learn how to make tables, graphs, and equations from everyday situations. This week, the students will specifically be looking at jumping jacks. They will actually be doing jumping jacks for a specified time and we will graph the number of jumps they did during every interval. As the week goes on, we are going to compare this to a biking situation in which people biked a certain number of miles each hour. Please note, there will be homework, so make sure it is completed and brought in the next day!

In Science we are going to be starting with a Chemistry unit. We will be looking at mixtures of items (both liquids and solids) and use different skills to determine what each of the unknown liquids and solids are. Students will learn about corrosion, flammability, and what hazardous materials are. At the end of the week, students will develop an investigation where they will attempt to separate all of the liquids and solids from one another to study them more in depth.

In Advisory we will use that time to review for the upcoming MEAP. Students took a practice math MEAP last Friday and with the results, we will be going over any questions they may have or questions on the test that they simply didn't understand at all.

Lets have a great first week!!

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