Sunday, March 25, 2012

Weekly News

This week in Math we will continue our studies of radicals.  Last Friday, we started with simplifying radicals as well as adding and subtracting them.  We will practice those skills this week in addition to multiplying and dividing them.  We will have our first quiz of this unit later in the week.

In Science we will be continuing our study of the Earth and the Sun and be able to completely explain the reason for the seasons that we have.  We will review what causes the day, the year, and the seasons, and wrap up the rest of the week with a quiz over what has been taught so far. 

In Advisory we will be using this time to practice working with radicals to better prepare us for the quiz we have at the end of the week.

Please remember that there is No School on Friday due to Teacher Professional Development.


  1. I lost my hw sheet does any1 know the pg

  2. The homework is always listed on the right side of this blog. It is p.240 #1-5, p.276 #29-33
